Charities for Children

Children laying on grass These charities and non-profit organizations are dedicated to helping children:

Share Our Strength

This organization provides daily nutritional meals to children in need.


This organization brings active play to the lives of children growing up in poverty.

Newborns In Need

Newborns in Need, Inc. helps to take care of needy babies. NIN volunteers provide care necessities to agencies and hospitals serving premature, ill, or impoveris hed newborns. Newborns In Need distributes free items to babies in the United States.

Youth Law Center

YLC works to eliminate abuse and neglect of children, to reduce out of home placements and incarceration, and to assure that those who are removed are held in safe, humane conditions. YLC takes action to ensure that the legal rights of vulnerable children are protected, and that they receive the support and services they need to become healthy and productive adults.